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Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by Freaker5005 on 24 March 2019, 23:21:29 »
Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by Suiker on 6 March 2019, 14:00:41 »
Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by Giordino on 21 February 2019, 17:37:02 »
Voor de rest nog iemand die leeft of iedereen met pensioen  :S

Met pensioen?! was het maar zo'n feest
Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by Hsheepypx on 12 February 2019, 17:40:38 »
Hallo Lentix2,

 *O* Het leeft hier nog zo vol

Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by lentix2 on 12 February 2019, 13:14:28 »
Voor de rest nog iemand die leeft of iedereen met pensioen  :S
Algemeen / Re: Lonely days
« Last post by AlexMedia on 12 February 2019, 01:47:40 »
Ik leef nog *O*
Algemeen / Lonely days
« Last post by lentix2 on 12 February 2019, 00:37:21 »

Beste tweakcrafters is er nog enig teken van leven hier,

Mvg lentix2
Support / Re: Does a copy of world "Original" from 2010 exist?
« Last post by FlutterShy on 3 May 2018, 20:15:00 »
We do have and keep backups from back then. (Well, close to, at least.)

I'm not in a position to release worlds though.

However, warps and stuff like that from back then will not work. So travelling to places will require either manually walking to said place or /tp'ing there.
Also, you'll have go into peaceful mode in order to keep mobs from spawning pretty much everywhere.

edit: I (or you, depending on what I can release) will have to convert from the old "single .dat per chunk" format to the Anvil system that is used nowadays as well.

The closest backup I have found (and am able to convert) is 2010-11-12_1100.
Unless you run a server yourself and block all block updates you'll have a hard time trying to run this map because of all the old leaves blocks everywhere and other such "features" that notch fixed overtime.
Support / Does a copy of world "Original" from 2010 exist?
« Last post by Maiconi on 9 April 2018, 09:08:15 »
Back in 2010 I discovered a series of videos by Caliform called Expedition Minecraft which convinced me to buy this game. All these years later I decided to see the world from his 8th video in person for the first time. And what I found really saddened me. It appears the majority of what was created in that video has long since been deleted and forgotten with one of the only creations remaining being the "biodome". I would love to know if there is a copy of this map from back in 2010 so I could make that walk through memory lane and relive my childhood?

If this exists I would be so thankful!
Tweakcraft / Re: Donaties 2017
« Last post by MuerteDiablo on 5 January 2018, 08:45:53 »
Het is 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!

En ik heb ook nog even gedoneerd. Zou het eeuwig zonde vinden om mijn huisje niet meer te kunnen bezoeken :(
Ook al ben ik er niet vaak meer :P
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